Howard Wyman Leadership School

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2023 Howard Wyman Sheep Industry Leadership School 


The 36th annual Howard Wyman Leadership School took place in Columbus Ohio.. The school welcomed 28 participants from 15 states. The event kicked off on Sunday night with a welcome reception and an opportunity for school attendees to meet each other.

Beginning Monday morning the attendees met at OSU University animal sciences for a welcome from the university. Classroom time we had a live evaluation and grid marketing class by Dr Brady Campbell, Gregg Fogle and Roger High. We proceeded to a live auction for attendees to purchase live animals to learn the process from farm to table. The animals were ultrasounded, sheared and harvested. The role of inspection and food safety was part of the session.

Next session of the day we were back in classroom and had a presentation on Nutrition.

Cooking demonstration by Nick and Kathy Forrest.

The second day we had a lamb evaluation and basic meat cuts class, impacts of stress on meat quality, lamb carcass fabrication and carcass cutting in teams. We then made burger and had our meat we processed off of the lambs for lunch.

Later in the afternoon we discussed genetics and nutritional impacts on end products.  We had a discussion panel with several Ohio producers.

On the third day we went on a production tour we visited Don Hawks lamb feeding operation in Danville, Leroy Kuhn’s operation in Hope, had lunch and then went to the Mt hope Auction in Mt Hope, after leaving the auction we proceeded to the Ohio State University in Wooster to see the ruminant research center.

We returned to Columbus for the final review of the live animal, carcass and box lamb value and to see what teams won on their evaluations, cutting techniques and bidding values.

The NLFA would like to provide a special thanks go to the 2023 school organizer, Roger High for putting together a fantastic tour highlighting the Ohio sheep industry. In addition, NLFA would like to extend sincere thank-you to all our contributors, especially the following sponsors: American Lamb Board, American Sheep Industry Association, JJ Lamb Feeders, Harper Livestock, and Steve & Diane Schreier, Reed Anderson, Randy Asher Alltech, Purina Feed, Purebred lamb Keith Martin, Ohio State University.


2024-HWSILS-Application    Click on the application for the fillable form

Attention all applications are due by Feb 15, 2024 Please  email me at [email protected]

The school will be held in Brownsville, Oregon March 24-27th 2024.